A good few years ago, Peter Foulis, the founder of NatureZone, decided to move away from the rat race at the coast and escape to a part of the world where the air is crisp and clean, natural beauty reigns supreme, and old-fashioned values still exist. He found this in the shape of a small farm right in the heart of the Midlands Meander. Here, the plan was to build his dream homestead and live a more simple life, pursue his art career, play polocrosse, farm organically and forget about the outside world….

Never dreaming he would get into the health beverage industry, it was only after the well was sunk (to an incredible depth of 150m) and mates and neighbours started raving about his delicious water, that the idea of bottling it took shape…the rest, as they say, is history…

NatureZone is a family-run business that continues to run on our working stud farm in the beautiful Caversham Valley, KZN Midlands, where custodianship of our special water source and its environment is a priority. We abide by FairTrade practices, and go to great lengths to ensure healthy and sustainable principles are applied in every area of our business.

All our products are based on our NatureZone Mineral Water, bottled at source. The mineral water from our well has naturally filtered through 145m of mineral-rich shale and trace elements. No filtration of any sort is performed and our pure, still mineral water is bottled as Nature intended it to be – pure and pristine.

Our range of Vitamin Rich, Lo-carb Fitness Waters have been formulated using natural or nature-identical flavourants and colourants, and we use natural Birch-derived Xylitol as a sweetener rather than sucrose, glucose or fructose corn syrup, ensuring our products are diabetic-friendly and as natural as we can get them.

We are FSA Accredited and food safety is a priority with us, along with ensuring we adhere to eco-friendly principles in every sphere of our business.

Conservation of energy and natural resources have been integral to NatureZone’s philosophy from the start, and our manufacturing facility and admin buildings were designed from scratch to incorporate energy-saving features such as natural lighting, natural ventilation and cooling, gravity-fed lines etc. and everything on the farm is recycled. The buildings were built with natural stone sourced from the farm, recycled materials were utilized wherever possible, and our contributions to the many environmental charities such as the Wildlands Conservation Trust, Save The Rhino Fund, etc. ensure we keep our carbon footprint as small as possible and put back whatever we can into Nature.

Projects & charities we support

Contact Us

P.O.Box 10
Lions River 3260
KZN Midlands

Phone: +27 (0) 72 767 8416
Fax: +27 (0) 86 618 3385
Email Us

Health Audits

FSA Audit
PnP Audit
Health Certificate
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CSIR Certificate
SABS Test Report
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